June, 18, 2023

Neural Network in Machine Learning Example

In the previous lesson, we understood the building blocks of a neural network, were introduced to different activation functions, understood the difference between shallow and deep neural networks, and became ready to use our software tools to develop a neural network.

neural network architecture machine learning
In the previous lesson, we learned about neural network architecture in Machine Learning (ML).

In this lesson, we will see a neural network in machine learning example where we will:

  • Work on a multi-class classification problem where a robot is expected to distinguish between dogs and cars and,
  • Implement neural networks using Python and TensorFlow
neural network machine learning example where a robot is expected to distinguish between dogs and cars
In this lesson, we will see a neural network in machine learning example where a robot is expected to distinguish between dogs and cars.


  • Python ‘pillow’ library (can be installed using conda)
  • Python ‘pandas’ library (can be installed using conda too)
  • Download the tutorial files and save them in a directory
  • Run Spyder IDE and open the project

References (for datasets):

  • “Stanford Dogs dataset for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization,” vision.stanford.edu. http://vision.stanford.edu/aditya86/ImageNetDogs/
  • Stanford.edu, 2012. http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/cars/car_dataset.html

The code for this project can be accessed at the link below (Lesson 9 code):

  • https://github.com/madibabaiasl/ML-first-steps-course/

Watch the video version of the 9th lesson: